They're just normal girls turned perfect that's all. Everybody who loves fashion can undoubtedly appreciate the flawless way a model struts her sass and exhibits a Galliano gown or Cavalli corset for its public inauguration. They're half the reason Anna Wintour is secretly drooling all over her Prada smock, even though she fakes that after eyeballing hundreds of shows she's so over it. Ladies don't have to be lezbos to love their perfectly chizzled jaws and want to dress them in all the pretty clothes at Bendel's. I also love them because watching skinny bitches brawl for the supermodel crown on all those fierce reality shows is so enjoyable with a large cheese pizza. And I love picking favorites, Like right now Isabeli Fontani is super sleek and versatile and hot, cause burnettes are totally making their comback. Girl's been around for awhile, but so has Cindy Crawford. Bring on the burnettes!